Emily Heumann Studio
Emily offers private voice instruction to students from studios in Clermont, Florida, Ocala, Florida, and virtually. Students range in age from 12 years old to 80+ years old. Emily's teaching centers on healthy and efficient vocal production with a classical foundation.
Emily's students include singers across many genres: classical, musical theatre, jazz, worship styles, rock, folk, and singer/songwriters. She hosts numerous studio recitals each year, with students performing in venues across Central Florida. Her students have received admission to university music programs across the country, including Florida State University, Stetson University, University of Central Florida, Belmont University, University of Florida, University of South Florida, Rollins College, Florida Southern College, and more. They have also won numerous competitions and have been awarded prestigious scholarships.
Emily is a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, Central Florida Chapter, and regularly appears as an adjudicator at local and national competitions.
Emily currently serves on the voice faculty at The College of Central Florida, where she was named the 2019 Adjunct Instructor of the Year. There, she teaches several sections of applied voice, vocal coaches for the college musicals, and coordinates the college's Community School of the Arts.

Emily's students perform several recitals per year, at venues all around Central Florida. Annual highlights include an American music recital, a Christmas recital, and a spring recital. The studio has been invited to perform recitals at local parks, in churches across the community, at senior living facilities, and at city events.
In 2019, Emily was named the Adjunct Instructor of the Year at The College of Central Florida. She has served on the voice faculty there since 2018. At CF, Emily teaches applied voice, serves as the vocal coach for the musicals, and directs the Community School for the Arts.

Students of Emily Heumann have received awards at local and national competitions, they have been awarded prestigious scholarships, and they have been cast in leading roles at theatres across the country.
Emily regularly adjudicates competitions and presents workshops and master classes for local choirs and school music programs.